OLQP Parish Calendar - Arlington, VA -- Please send space request to: office@olqpva.org

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OLQP Parish Calendar - Send space requests to: office@olqpva.org
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January 2025
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
29  Week 1
Offices CLOSED, Programs & Ministry Activity Cancelled -- Christmas Holiday
11:00 AM
Mass: Mary, Mother of God - Bilingual - Church
Van Use: Feast on the Street
12:00 PM
6:00 PM
TAU Young Adults Ministry Nights - 1915 Classroom, 1915 Living Rm, 1915 Lower Level, 1915 Patio
7:30 PM
Choir Practice: 1 PM - Discussion Rm
CKozyn - out at 2pm
MC Cleaning Service
10:30 AM
Zoom: Christian Meditation
12:00 PM
5:30 PM
Practice: 8 am Choir
9:00 AM
Art & Environment Decorating: Epiphany - Church
Matt 25 Open - Matthew 25 Bazaar
12:00 PM
Memorial Mass (V - Fr. McShurley) Thomas O'Connor - Church
4:30 PM
CHWC Interest Meeting - Founders Room
4:45 PM
Reconciliation - Library
5:00 PM
TAU Gathering - 1915 Living Rm, 1915 Lobby, 1915 Lower Level
5:30 PM
Saturday Vigil Mass - Church
5  Week 2
Insert: CHWC- Eng/Spa
Masses: 8 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:15 AM & 1 PM (Spanish), 6 PM
8:00 AM
Sunday Morning Fellowship - Hall
9:45 AM
CLW - 9:30 Mass
10:00 AM
Choir Practice: 11:15 - Founders Room
11:30 AM
CLW - 11:15 Mass
2:00 PM
Adoration of Baby Jesus - Hall
2:30 PM
YM Homework Hub - 1915 Living Rm, 1915 Lobby, 1915 Lower Level, 1915 Patio
3:45 PM
Youth Ministry - 1915 Living Rm, 1915 Lobby, 1915 Lower Level
4:45 PM
Choir Practice: 6pm Young Adult Choir
Cancelled: Choir Practice: 9:30
Cancelled: RCIA en español
Offices CLOSED & Activities CANCELLED Due to Inclement Weather
12:00 PM
7:00 PM
Zoom: Christian Meditation
CANCELLED: Choir Practice: 11:15
CANCELLED: Confirmation 2024-2025
Offices CLOSED & Activities CANCELLED Due to Inclement Weather
12:00 PM
CANCELLED: Choir Practice: Saturday Vigil
CANCELLED: Confirmation 2024-2025
CANCELLED: Rosary: Marian Garden
8:00 AM
Food Pantry Distribution -- 9:30-11am - Hall
9:00 AM
Matt 25 Open - Matthew 25 Bazaar
9:30 AM
Gabriel Project Distribution -- 9:30-11am - Stage
12:00 PM
2:00 PM
Pastoral Staff Meeting - MC Classroom 1, MC Classroom 2
5:00 PM
EVENING Closings: Activities CANCELLED (Follows APS Inclement Weather Closing)
Van Use: Feast on the Street
12:00 PM
1:00 PM
L'Arche Meeting - MC Classroom 1, MC Classroom 2
6:00 PM
TAU Young Adults Ministry Nights - 1915 Classroom, 1915 Living Rm, 1915 Lower Level, 1915 Patio
7:00 PM
ZOOM: RCIA Sessions 2024-2025 - Founders Room
7:30 PM
Choir Practice: 1 PM - Discussion Rm
L Loza -- out at 1:30pm
9:30 AM
ZOOM: Women’s Bible Study
10:30 AM
Zoom: Christian Meditation
12:00 PM
5:30 PM
Practice: 8 am Choir
9:00 AM
Matt 25 Open - Matthew 25 Bazaar
9:30 AM
First Communion 2024-2025 - Works of Mercy - Hall, Stage, MC Classroom 1, MC Classroom 2, MC Classroom 3, MC Classroom 4, MC Classroom 5, Peace Room
10:00 AM
Baptism (MV) Carlos, Ramallo - Church
1:00 PM
Setup: Pho Dinner
2:00 PM
FF Foundations - 1915 Classroom, 1915 Living Rm, 1915 Lower Level, MC Classroom 1, MC Classroom 2, MC Classroom 3, MC Classroom 4
2:45 PM
FF Foundations: Parents w/Fr. Tim - Founders Room
3:15 PM
Choir Practice: Family Mass Choir - Church
4:00 PM
Family Mass - Church
4:45 PM
Reconciliation - Library
5:30 PM
Saturday Vigil Mass - Church
6:00 PM
Fundraiser: Pho Dinner - Hall
12  Week 3
Insert: Mass Honoring Dr. King
Masses: 8 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:15 AM & 1 PM (Spanish), 6 PM
OLQP Food Pantry Monthly Food Drive
8:00 AM
Sunday Morning Fellowship - Hall
10:00 AM
Choir Practice: 11:15 - Founders Room
2:30 PM
YM Homework Hub - 1915 Living Rm, 1915 Lobby, 1915 Lower Level, 1915 Patio
3:45 PM
Youth Ministry - 1915 Living Rm, 1915 Lobby, 1915 Lower Level
4:45 PM
Choir Practice: 6pm Young Adult Choir
9:00 AM
Art & Environment Decorating: Ordinary Time - Church
12:00 PM
6:30 PM
Choir Practice: 9:30 - Church
7:00 PM
Zoom: Baptism Preparation Class - English
Zoom: Christian Meditation
RCIA en español - MC Classroom 1
10:00 AM
Ignatian Volunteer Corps - MC Classroom 1, MC Classroom 2
12:00 PM
6:30 PM
Confirmation 2024-2025 - Founders Room, MC Classroom 1, MC Classroom 2
7:00 PM
Namaste - 1915 Living Rm, 1915 Lobby, 1915 Lower Level
7:30 PM
Choir Practice: 11:15 - Church
S Diaz-Wells - Offsite
8:00 AM
Food Pantry Distribution -- 9:30-11am - Hall
9:00 AM
Matt 25 Open - Matthew 25 Bazaar
9:30 AM
Gabriel Project Distribution -- 9:30-11am - Stage
12:00 PM
2:00 PM
Committal Ceremony ANC (MV) Geraldine O'Day
Pastoral Staff Meeting - MC Classroom 1, MC Classroom 2
3:00 PM
Repast: Geri O'Day - Founders Room
6:30 PM
Confirmation 2024-2025 - Founders Room, MC Classroom 1, MC Classroom 2
7:00 PM
ZOOM: Rosary: Marian Garden
7:30 PM
Choir Practice: Saturday Vigil - Church
Van Use: Feast on the Street
12:00 PM
4:00 PM
Carpenter's Shelter Supper Preparation - Hall
6:00 PM
TAU Young Adults Ministry Nights - 1915 Classroom, 1915 Living Rm, 1915 Lower Level, 1915 Patio
7:00 PM
RCIA Sessions 2024-2025 - Founders Room
Stephen Ministry Training - MC Classroom 1, MC Classroom 2
7:30 PM
Choir Practice: 1 PM - Discussion Rm
MC Cleaning Service
10:30 AM
Zoom: Christian Meditation
12:00 PM
5:30 PM
Practice: 8 am Choir
7:30 PM
Parish Advisory Board Meeting - MC Classroom 1, MC Classroom 2
9:00 AM
Matt 25 Open - Matthew 25 Bazaar
4:45 PM
Reconciliation - Library
5:30 PM
Saturday Vigil Mass - Church
6:30 PM
Gathering - Founders Room
19  Week 4
Cancelled: Sunday Morning Fellowship
Masses: 8 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:15 AM & 1 PM (Spanish), 6 PM
9:45 AM
CLW - 9:30 Mass
10:00 AM
Choir Practice: 11:15 - Founders Room
11:30 AM
CLW - 11:15 Mass
2:00 PM
Gathering: 'El Miliagroso Señor de Esquipulas' - Hall
4:45 PM
Choir Practice: 6pm Young Adult Choir
Martin Luther King Day
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day -- Offices Closed; Activities Cancelled
11:00 AM
Mass -- Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - Church
7:00 PM
Zoom: Christian Meditation
12:00 PM
6:30 PM
Confirmation 2024-2025 - Founders Room, MC Classroom 1, MC Classroom 2
7:00 PM
Namaste - 1915 Living Rm, 1915 Lobby, 1915 Lower Level
7:30 PM
Choir Practice: 11:15 - Church
8:00 AM
Food Pantry Distribution -- 9:30-11am - Hall
9:00 AM
Matt 25 Open - Matthew 25 Bazaar
9:30 AM
Gabriel Project Distribution -- 9:30-11am - Stage
1:00 PM
Funeral Mass ( ) Colette Arntson - Church
2:00 PM
Gathering: Arntson Family - Church
Pastoral Staff Meeting - MC Classroom 1, MC Classroom 2
6:30 PM
Confirmation 2024-2025 - Founders Room, MC Classroom 1, MC Classroom 2
7:00 PM
ZOOM: Rosary: Marian Garden
7:30 PM
Choir Practice: Saturday Vigil - Church
Van Use: Feast on the Street
12:00 PM
3:00 PM
FF Meeting - MC Classroom 1, MC Classroom 2
7:00 PM
Holy Hour - Bilingual
RCIA Sessions 2024-2025 - Founders Room
Stephen Ministry Training - MC Classroom 1, MC Classroom 2
7:30 PM
Choir Practice: 1 PM - Discussion Rm
9:30 AM
ZOOM: Women’s Bible Study
10:30 AM
Zoom: Christian Meditation
12:00 PM
5:30 PM
Practice: 8 am Choir
6:00 PM
Novena: Chicas - 1915 Living Rm, 1915 Lobby
9:00 AM
Matt 25 Open - Matthew 25 Bazaar
Restorative Justice Meeting - 1915 Classroom, 1915 Living Rm
10:00 AM
Baptism (PK) Martin, Thurmond/Penn - Church
4:45 PM
Reconciliation - Library
5:30 PM
Saturday Vigil Mass - Church
26  Week 5
2nd Coll: Latin America
Masses: 8 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:15 AM & 1 PM (Spanish), 6 PM
8:00 AM
Sunday Morning Fellowship - Hall
9:45 AM
CLW - 9:30 Mass
10:00 AM
Choir Practice: 11:15 - Founders Room
11:30 AM
CLW - 11:15 Mass
2:00 PM
Gathering: 1pm Community - Founders Room
2:30 PM
YM Homework Hub - 1915 Living Rm, 1915 Lobby, 1915 Lower Level, 1915 Patio
3:45 PM
Youth Ministry - 1915 Living Rm, 1915 Lobby, 1915 Lower Level
4:45 PM
Choir Practice: 6pm Young Adult Choir
S Diaz-Wells - Offsite
12:00 PM
6:30 PM
Choir Practice: 9:30 - Church
7:00 PM
Zoom: Christian Meditation
RCIA en español - MC Classroom 1
S Diaz-Wells - Offsite
LLoza - off
MLeahy - Off
12:00 PM
6:30 PM
Confirmation 2024-2025 - Founders Room, MC Classroom 1, MC Classroom 2
7:00 PM
Namaste - 1915 Living Rm, 1915 Lobby, 1915 Lower Level
7:30 PM
Choir Practice: 11:15 - Church
8:00 AM
Food Pantry Distribution -- 9:30-11am - Hall
9:00 AM
Matt 25 Open - Matthew 25 Bazaar
9:30 AM
Gabriel Project Distribution -- 9:30-11am - Stage
12:00 PM
2:00 PM
Pastoral Staff Meeting - MC Classroom 1, MC Classroom 2
6:30 PM
Confirmation 2024-2025 - Founders Room, MC Classroom 1, MC Classroom 2
7:00 PM
ZOOM: Rosary: Marian Garden
7:30 PM
Choir Practice: Saturday Vigil - Church
Van Use: Feast on the Street
12:00 PM
7:00 PM
RCIA Sessions 2024-2025 - Founders Room
Stephen Ministry Training - MC Classroom 1, MC Classroom 2
7:30 PM
Choir Practice: 1 PM - Discussion Rm
MC Cleaning Service
10:30 AM
Zoom: Christian Meditation
12:00 PM
5:30 PM
Practice: 8 am Choir
7:30 PM
Memorial Mass en español (TH) Fredy Acuna Gutierrez - Church